In printing, together we have the experience of two more lives, because we all started our graphic work in printing houses.
From the beginning we threw ourselves into “pure” technology. We’re “green”, so we don’t pollute our environment. We prefer FSC materials if possible, and recycle the excess. Print quality must be at a maximum, which we measure by devices, not by mood and personal feelings.
We print small and large formats, as well as promotional items if necessary. We are mostly known for gold foil printing on labels, because we we’re the first ones able to do that with digital printing. We have a machine for everything needed, because we prefer automation.
You have a business meeting, bring your business card.
That’s what you need if it needs to be seen from afar.
Do you know that we use the same materials as the most expensive cosmetics from commercials?
We are not “pushing” you with a 200-page catalog here, so browse and look for what you need.
For you to be sure we’re the right choice, give us a task, something that bothers you, and it concerns with what we do.
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